-Are you looking for a way to improve the communication, trust, and cohesion within your family?
-Is your child experiencing difficulty adjusting to a transition, such as a family move, divorce, or recent loss?
-Are you wishing your blended family would hurry up and “blend” already?
-Is the tension in your home unbearable due to conflict between one or more family members?
Family therapy is based on the belief that the family is a unique social system with its own structure and patterns of communication. This structure determines roles and values while maintaining balance and cohesion within a family. As a child matures and a family changes, it is common for parents and children alike to struggle to adjust their roles and expectations to meet members’ ever-changing needs.
Life transitions are also challenging, and common times for discord and conflict to occur, especially for children whose brains are still developing and have limited life experience to draw from. A family move, change of school, or divorce can leave children feeling as if their world has been turned upside down and there is little they can do about it. When their sense of comfort and security is threatened, children may act out or, alternatively, withdraw.
How we plan to help…
Family therapy seeks to restore balance and cohesion to families by (re)establishing developmentally appropriate roles, setting and maintaining clear boundaries and most importantly, providing families with a warm and safe environment to connect.
During the course of treatment, a family will learn new communication tools to help them feel heard and have their needs met. Parents will learn how to encourage autonomy while also providing their children with the support and love they need to feel confident to explore their world and reach for their dreams.